St. Paul’s Waccamaw UMC is one of 8 local churches contributing food to the local Food Pantry. For those needing food, the Pantry is open Monday–Friday 9:00am–12:00 and Thursday 4:30–6:30. It is physically located on the campus of Holy Cross Faith Memorial Episcopal Church adjacent to the Smith Medical Center. A person coming to the Pantry needing food assistance only needs a photo id.

Each Sunday  St. Paul’s collects food for the Food Pantry. Please deposit your donations of peanut butter or canned chicken or other non-perishable items in the boxes located as you enter or leave services. Or if it’s more convenient, the Mission Committee will do the shopping for you – we are always on the lookout for bargains, will make the most of your money and will purchase the food the pantry has the greatest need for at the time. Simply deposit your dollars in the specially marked box and PRESTO, it’s done!

Pantry “Angels” are also needed to distribute food at the Baskervill Food Pantry. Please consider joining your fellow parishioners and volunteer 12 hours per year (4 times per year X 3 hours per Tuesday) to distribute food to our brothers and sisters in need. If you would like more information about the duties of a Baskervill “Angel” please Contact the Church Office.

Baskervill Food Pantry
Hours for St. Paul’s Volunteers
9:00 AM – Noon
One Tuesday per quarter or 4 times per year

Thank you, together we are making a difference!

In collaboration with area churches, community and civic organizations, the Baskervill Food Pantry is an outreach ministry of Holy Cross Faith Memorial Episcopal Church. The mission of the Baskervill Food Pantry is to provide supplemental food and nutrition education to people of the Georgetown County area who are food insecure while promoting community awareness of food insecurity.

Although money and food is welcome at any time, Saint Paul’s targets the last Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday) as Peanut Butter and Chicken Sunday. These gifts will become a part of the protein foods supplied by the Baskervill Food Pantry. Collection buckets will be provided to receive monetary contributions, in addition to jars of peanut butter and cans of chicken as you depart from worship.

Baskervill Food Pantry Chicken and PB
PB and Chcken in cart