All events postponed until further notice!!
We are all about
- We create special events where members and non members connect to celebrate fellowship and simply enjoy each other.
- We connect members of our Church family with each other through monthly events.
- We connect our Church Family to our community with events that serve visitors, families and those looking for friendly, welcoming people.
And we reach out to those in need of connection with Christian hearts and minds.
CONNECT with us. WATCH for our Special Event Announcements all year long!
Next Special Events to add to your Calendar
SOUPER Sunday-March 29
The Joyful Gatherings Team is happy to respond to the numerous requests for another SOUPER SUNDAY, where all funds raised will be used to support local missions. Imagine the Low Country’s best soups, chowders, chilis and bisques, steaming hot to warm you on the mid winter’s day. Imagine chocolate brownies that delight your sweet tooth and chocolate cravings. Finally, imagine all of this served in our own Berly Hall among your friends and family. And for those of you adhering to your Lent fasting schedule, know that Sunday’s are exempt.
On March 29th, immediately after the joint service at 10:00 a.m., stroll over to Berly Hall and enjoy SOUPER SUNDAY. At only $8 per bowl (brownie included) you should plan to bring a guest or many to enjoy this special flavor of the Low Country and the fellowship of one of the friendliest Churches along the Grand Strand. Should you want to contribute your special soup, chowder, chili or bisque, contact any of our Joyful Gathering Team
Coming Attractions at St. Paul’s Watch for updates and specifics so you can update your calendar
- Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras) Pancakes
- SOUPer Sunday-Best soups on the Grand Strand at St. Paul’
- Snowbirds Welcoming Event
- Summer Dinner Theater
- Halloween Trunk or Treat (THERE WILL BE NO TRUNK OR TREAT 2020)
- Boating tour of Low Country
- ‘Taste of St. Paul’s’ from our famous cookbook
- Mempkin Abbey Tour
- BBQ for Haiti Orphans
- Monthly Pot Lucks
- Pawleys Island Festival outing
- Christmas Nativity